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Numeric designationEN-JS3051
Chemical designationEN GJSA-XNi35
EtchingKalling 2

The fracture surface of the tensile specimen shows ductile fracture honeycombs in which the graphite spheres are located. The highly nickel-alloyed matrix could hardly be etched; Figure 10 shows examples of a few grain boundaries and the suggestion of a dendrite structure.

  • Graphite classification according to DIN EN ISO 945-1 (2019): Form VI, size 6
  • Tensile strength Rm approx. 450 MPa
  • Rp0.2 approx. 245 MPa
  • Elongation at break approx. 23 %
  • KV 22 J at -196 °C

Hot V2A pickling eats a relief into the sample, next to which the few grain boundaries are barely visible.
Semi-concentrated HCl/H2O2 reacts violently, but only produces etching pits and ugly relief structures!