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1.7379 | G17CrMo-9-10 Tensile test specimen

Numeric designation1.7379
Chemical designationG17CrMo-9-10
StateTensile test specimen
Etching3% Nital und PAG QT²

The fracture surface of the tensile specimen shows the honeycomb pattern of a ductile forced fracture.

The originally quenched and tempered material was stress-relieved after welding and now has a microstructure of ferrite and granular annealed cementite.

Macro-etching with the austenite grain boundary etchant PAG QT2 makes the dendrite structure particularly visible in the cross-section (Fig. 9).

The tensile strength is approx. 610 MPa, the elongation at break 22%. The hardness in the light-coloured zones (dendrites) is 226 HV0.2, in the dark interdendritic zones 244 HV0.2.