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1.7077 | 36CrB4 +QT 8.8

Numeric designation1.7077
Chemical designation36CrB4
State+QT 8.8
EtchingPAG QT² und 3% Nital

The 36CrB4 screw is in the quenched and tempered condition of property class 8.8. The micrographs show successful etching to the former austenite grain size using our specially developed etchant PAG QT². Various etch times are shown:

  • PAG QT² (a): 3+3+15min
  • PAG QT² (b): 3+3+15+180 min
  • PAG QT² (c): 3+3+15+180 min+30s OPS
  • 3% Nital 8 seconds

The microstructure is tempered martensite. This can be seen from the fine carbide precipitates.

The hardness is 297 HV 10 and the tempering temperature was approximately 560 °C.