Back (Al-Base)

EN AW-5083 | AlMg4,5Mn0,7 | AA5083 as-cast condition

Numeric designationEN AW-5083 | AA5083
Chemical designationAlMg4,5Mn0,7
EtchingDix-Keller vs. Barker

In the cast ingot, the Mg2Si precipitations, which are later dissolved during heat treatment and precipitate again in the submicron range, are still present in a coarse form; they already begin to corrode on the surface during polishing and therefore appear mostly bluish to dark even in the unetched state. Al-Mg alloys do not make good micrographs with NaOH or Dix-Keller etching, because mainly the precipitations are dissolved away. Electrolytic Barker etching is a good alternative, especially for grain size determination.

Etching parameters (Barker):
20 V d-c
60 s
V2A cathode