Cast Iron

- Additive Manufacturing (AM) (15)
- Al-Base (72)
- Cast Iron (49)
- Co-Base (8)
- Corrosion Damages (43)
- Cu-Base (75)
- Edge zone (41)
- Failure Cases (60)
- Fe-Base (346)
- Fe-Heat Treatment Series (91)
- Mg-Base (3)
- Ni-Base (24)
- Other (19)
- Plastics (15)
- SEM (99)
- Ti-Base (10)
- Zn-Base (5)
EN-GJL-100 | 5.1100
EN-GJL-200 | 5.1300 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile tests
EN-GJL-200 | 5.1300 Overload fracture in gray cast iron
EN-GJL-250 (+P) | 5.1301 Increased phosphorus content, graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJL-250 | 5.1301 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in the tensile test
EN-GJL-300 | 5.1302
EN-GJL-300 | 5.1302 graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJMB-350 | 5.4101 Ferritic black heart malleable cast iron
EN-GJMW-400-5 | Annealing A
EN-GJMW-400-5 | Annealing B
EN-GJN-HB555(XCr11) | 5.5607 Wear-resistant white cast iron
EN-GJN-HB555(XCr18) | 5.5609 Wear resistant white cast iron
EN-GJN-HB555(XCr23) | 5.5610 Wear resistant white cast iron
EN-GJS-400-15 | 5.3106 | EN-JS1030 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile tests
EN-GJS-400-15 | 5.3106 Nodular graphite cast iron
EN-GJS-400-15 | 5.3106 Tendency to chilling
EN-GJS-400-18 LT | 5.3103 | EN-JS1025 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-450 | 5.3107 modified nodular graphite cast iron
EN-GJS-450-10 | 5.3107 | Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-500-14 | 5.3109 | Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-500-7 | 5.3200 | Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-500-7 | 5.3200 | Tool life problems in machining
EN-GJS-600-10 | 5.3110 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile tests
EN-GJS-600-3 | 5.3201 | Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-600-3 | 5.3201 Cast iron with nodular graphite
EN-GJS-600-3 | 5.3201 Graphite degeneration
EN-GJS-600-3 | 5.3201 Vibration fracture and ductile fracture
EN-GJS-600-3 | 5.3201 with tendency to chilling
EN-GJS-700-2 | 5.3300 Black chromate coating
EN-GJS-700-2 | 5.3300 laser-hardened
EN-GJS-700-2 | 5.3300 surface hardened with residual austenite
EN-GJS-800-2 | 5.3301
EN-GJS-800-2 | 5.3301 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-HB 265 | EN-JS2070 wit WC-Co-Cr welding
EN-GJS-SiMo30-7 | 5.3112 Graphite classification and fracture appearance in tensile test
EN-GJS-XSiMo 4.05
EN-GJSA-XNiSiCr35-5-2 | 5.3505 | D5S
EN-GJV-450 | Cast iron with vermicular graphite
Gaphite corrosion (spongiosis) lamellar gray cast iron
GJS-1400-1 | ADI | Fracture appearance in tensile test
GJS-1400-1 | EN-JS1130 | as cast
GJS-SiMo 40-10 | 5.3115 | Graphite classification and fracture pattern in tensile test
Graphite corrosion (spongiosis) in a degenerated nodular graphite iron
Graphite degeneration: Chunky graphite
Graphite degeneration: White irradiation in GJS | Damage case with brittle cleavage fracture
Malleable cast iron for EN-GJMW
Spiegel iron | white cast iron