
- Additive Manufacturing (AM) (15)
- Al-Base (72)
- Cast Iron (49)
- Co-Base (8)
- Corrosion Damages (43)
- Cu-Base (75)
- Edge zone (41)
- Failure Cases (60)
- Fe-Base (346)
- Fe-Heat Treatment Series (91)
- Mg-Base (3)
- Ni-Base (24)
- Other (19)
- Plastics (15)
- SEM (99)
- Ti-Base (10)
- Zn-Base (5)
2.4605 | Alloy 59 Fatigue fracture vs. overload fracture of a wire
2.4608 | NiCr26MoW | Alloy 333 | N06333
2.4632 | NiCr20Co18Ti
2.4668 | Inconel 718 with delta phase
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 borided
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 built-up welding
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 flow chip
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 flux-cored wire with hardening materials
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 L-PBF component
2.4668 | NiCr19NbMo | Inconel 718 | N07718 Laserwelding
2.4816 | NiCr15Fe | Inconel 600 | N06600
2.4819 | Alloy C-276 weld seam
2.4819 | NiMo16Cr15W | Alloy C-276
2.4856 | NiCr22Mo9Nb | Alloy 625 | N06625 built-up welding
2.4858 | NiCr21Mo wire mesh
2.4879 | G-NiCr28W
2.4879 | G-NiCr28W
2.4879 | G-NiCr28W Fracture of a Furnace Roll
2.4879 | G-NiCr28W Furnace Roll
Inconel 713C | NiCr13MoAl | N07713
Oven heating coil
Truck valve tappet | EDX analysis of the hard-faced layer