
- Additive Manufacturing (AM) (15)
- Al-Base (72)
- Cast Iron (49)
- Co-Base (8)
- Corrosion Damages (43)
- Cu-Base (75)
- Edge zone (40)
- Failure Cases (60)
- Fe-Base (343)
- Fe-Heat Treatment Series (91)
- Mg-Base (3)
- Ni-Base (24)
- Other (19)
- Plastics (15)
- SEM (99)
- Ti-Base (10)
- Zn-Base (5)
ABS-PC with fabric coating
Aramid fibers
Balloon catheter with active ingredient coating
Basalt fibers
Carbon fiber reinforced plastic component from the racing sector
CFRP with PA6 binding matrix
CFRP with PA6 fiber bundle
Flax PLA
Glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) fibers
GRP sheet
GRP UDMAX™ GPP 45-70 tape
Plastic lever with fatigue fracture
Polyamide 6 with carbon fiber