697 Case studies, 4880 figures (Updated: 24.01.2025)
- Additive Manufacturing (AM) (15)
- Al-Base (72)
- Cast Iron (49)
- Co-Base (8)
- Corrosion Damages (43)
- Cu-Base (75)
- Edge zone (40)
- Failure Cases (60)
- Fe-Base (337)
- Fe-Heat Treatment Series (91)
- Mg-Base (3)
- Ni-Base (24)
- Other (19)
- Plastics (15)
- SEM (99)
- Ti-Base (10)
- Zn-Base (5)
We have already collected more than 690 case studies and failure cases for you in our structures database. Sorted by material, you are sure to find the microstructure you are looking for.
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Pictures and graphics are subject to the copyright of Schmitz-Metallographie GmbH.
Latest case studies
ZL0410 | ZnAl4Cu1 Overload fractur of a bottle opener
Fatigue fracture of an osteosynthesis plate
Corrosion products in Cu water line pipes
Ductile overload fracture of a steel pipe with "tire tracks"
Material bulge in rolled screw 12.9
Zinc lamellae coating
1.4879 | X30CrNiMoPB20-11-2
2.4879 | G-NiCr28W
EN AC-46000 | AlSi9Cu3 non-refined sand casting
Electroless nickel with dispersed PTFE
Electroless nickel coating
C90300 | CuSn8Zn4