697 Case studies, 4880 figures (Updated: 24.01.2025)
- Additive Manufacturing (AM) (15)
- Al-Base (72)
- Cast Iron (49)
- Co-Base (8)
- Corrosion Damages (43)
- Cu-Base (75)
- Edge zone (40)
- Failure Cases (60)
- Fe-Base (337)
- Fe-Heat Treatment Series (91)
- Mg-Base (3)
- Ni-Base (24)
- Other (19)
- Plastics (15)
- SEM (99)
- Ti-Base (10)
- Zn-Base (5)
We have already collected more than 690 case studies and failure cases for you in our structures database. Sorted by material, you are sure to find the microstructure you are looking for.
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Pictures and graphics are subject to the copyright of Schmitz-Metallographie GmbH.
Latest case studies
High-temperature corrosion in a furnace hatch made of 1.4460 | X3CrNiMo27-5-2 | AISI 329 | S32900
Cavitation corrosion in condensate collector tube
Pitting corrosion in 1.4305 | X8CrNiS18-9 | AISI 303 | S30300 after 24h use in "stale water"
Pitting corrosion attack on Aluminium by foreign metallic particles
Intergranular corrosion in 1.4828 | X15CrNiSi20-12 | AISI 309 | S30900
Stress corrosion cracking (molten metal induced) | hot-dip galvanisation
Stress corrosion cracking, solder brittleness of 1.0038 | S235JR | K01500 with CuAlNi2 solder
Dezincification test of CW626N | CuZn33Pb1.5AlAs
Dezincification of an α-β-Messing
Dezincification of a siphon made of CW506L | CuZn33 | C26800
Surface corrosion on cold water pipe
Galvanic corrosion (bimetallic corrosion) of a hot water pipe